This is Why You Should Eat More Eggs

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you’ll come across, true, but sometimes they just seem so boring. Or, at least that’s what we thought. Now you can have some extra fun with your eggs using these Amazon. You’ll totally want to eat more eggs once you get this nifty item.

Sure, your mom told you not to play with your food, but she hadn’t seen these molds before. We say it takes balls to play sports, and so these egg shapers are the perfect addition for your kitchen.

If you’re a sports fan like us, you’ll dig these egg shapers. Choose between three types of sports balls for the egg-cellent shapes: football, golf or tennis. Pick the sport you like best – duh, ours is football.

The next time you make hardboiled eggs, you have to try these molds. The sports balls (formerly plain ol’ hard boiled eggs) will liven up your salad or breakfast burrito. Plus, as they’re are made of plastic, the egg shapers are durable, simple to use, and clean up is a cinch.

It’s definitely payback for anyone who ever told you that you don’t have balls. Yup, you do. Even if you don’t have a top superstar athletes man cave, you can take life by the balls, starting with these egg shapers.