A plain fridge is just so blah. It’s such a shame too, now that you’ve taken your man cave to the next level of awesomeness. Seem unfair, really. Maybe that’s why these FreezerBoy magnets came onto the kitchen scene. Here’s why you’ll want the set for your home. Two words: Game Boy.
Remember the handheld Game Boy that we all loved in the late ’80s and all those precious years in the ’90s? That’s what we’re talking about here. Transform your refrigerator from meh to machismo, all using just six magnets.
Your inner geek is smiling right now, isn’t it? We get it. Having a giant Game Boy is nothing to scoff at.
The large magnets fit any fridge, even a mini one. The screen is 16″ by 12″ and doubles as a dry-erase whiteboard. Use it to write your latest ideas for perfecting your gamer’s paradise or to remind yourself to get roses for your girlfriend who you’re pretty sure you forget to do something for because she’s been pissed all week. When you’re out of the doghouse, just wash off the whiteboard screen and write something new on it.
The 1980s were great, and now you can pay tribute to it with the Game Boy video console right on your fridge! Just jab the D-pad and then press the A-button, if you can get in front of your buddies, that is, who also want to get their fill of game time. There are the select and start buttons that you remember from the video console too.
Getting tired out from gaming? Open the fridge for an ice cold beer. You deserve it.
And if you ever want to take down the magnets or move them to another appliance (they look great on the front of a washing machine), they remove easily and won’t mark your fridge.
The FreezerBoy magnet set is retro goodness, for sure. Game (Boy) on!